REVIEWS & More...

Printed books, magazines and catalgogs with ISBN which represent my works were Printed and published  in United States of America, Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Austria and Italy. Thank you.



"Art Investment & Collectors' Guide 2025 - Most Investable and Prominent Artists" 




Books with ISBN

Artists of Today and Tomorrow 2 , 2021 by Monica Ferrarini (published in Italy)

Capsule Art Collection , 2022 by Monica Ferraini (published in Italy)

Artists of Today and Tomorrow 5, 2024 by Monica Ferrarini (published in Italy)

Magic of La Bohem by Kurt Ries, 2023 (published in Germany)

Atlante del Arte 2021 by Start Group ( Published in Italy)



Arte (published in Italy) print

Art of America (published in USA) print 

many publications by Biafarin Canada (online and print)...


Catalogs by Nartwork where my paintings got published ARE in the MET, Metropolitain Museum of Art in the J.Watson Library in New York and many others find below:

Duality of the Whole, 2023. ISBN 9791280972033

Bountless Beauty, 2024. ISBN 9791280972071

Also, we are glad to announce that the catalogue of the exhibition will be achieved in the following international libraries:

  • INIVA (International Visual Art) Stuart Hall Gallery - London  
  • The Library Goldsmiths - University of London
  • Watson Library (Metropolitan Museum) - New York
  • Museo d'Arte moderna e contemporanea - Slovenia
  • Museion e Biblioteca Universitaria - Bolzano
  • Galleria Nazionale D'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea - Roma
  • Biblioteca Museo MADRE (Fondazione Donnaregina per le arti contemporanee) - Napoli  
  • Ca' Pesaro - Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna - Venezia
  • Biblioteca Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea - Rivoli
  • Biblioteca d'Arte - Fondazione Torino Musei - Torino
  • Maga Galleria d'Arte moderna e contemporanea - Gallarate


Catalog of the "Woman `s Essence Award", Paris, 2022. ISBN 978-88-946260-1-8


Catalogs with my paintings and my biography were published by Artboxprojects, Switzerland and are part of the permanent books in the National Library in Bern since 2020 and 2021. Thank you.

ISBN 978- 3- 03899 - 697 - 2

ISBN 978 - 3 - 03899 - 515 - 9

Woman Essance book of the "Women Essance Award 2022" in Paris, Gallery 24B with ISBN   978- 88- 946260-1-8. Thank you. 

Catalogs by Nartwork where my paintings got published ARE in the MET, Metropolitain Museum of Art in the J.Watson Library in New York and in many more important locations.

Duality of the Whole, 2023. ISBN 9791280972033

Bountless Beauty, 2024 ISBN 9791280972071

ISBN 9791280972071


Also, we are glad to announce that the catalogue of the exhibition will be achieved in the following international libraries:



  • INIVA (International Visual Art) Stuart Hall Gallery - London  
  • The Library Goldsmiths - University of London
  • Watson Library (Metropolitan Museum) - New York
  • Museo d'Arte moderna e contemporanea - Slovenia
  • Museion e Biblioteca Universitaria - Bolzano
  • Galleria Nazionale D'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea - Roma
  • Biblioteca Museo MADRE (Fondazione Donnaregina per le arti contemporanee) - Napoli  
  • Ca' Pesaro - Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna - Venezia
  • Biblioteca Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea - Rivoli
  • Biblioteca d'Arte - Fondazione Torino Musei - Torino
  • Maga Galleria d'Arte moderna e contemporanea - Gallarate

"Power of Creativity" book with ISBN  9788419 192622 by  Contemporary Art Curator. Published in the EU. Thank you.

Reviews were written by francesca callipari, marta graziano and martina viesti. Thank you.

Hello Christina, congratulations on your nomination in our art prize. For us it will be an honor to host one of your works forever on our online gallery, giving you the chance to be purchased by our partners and seen by the art lovers that come on our website...

Cheers, Marco Crispano - Art director Prisma Art Prize | WE in red XXVIIII by Christina


International Art Fair Messina 2019 - Rome Biennale 2020 

"Alicante", Oil, pigments and glitter on canvas, 80 cm / 80 cm, 2019 © Christina Mitterhuber

The show went very well, I offer you my sincere congratulations. You have been selected to participate in the Rome Biennale.
Ciao, a presto.
Andrea Calabrò

Architetto & Interior Designer 

Galleria XArte La Principina

Via Collegio Normale,  1 - 98053 Castroreale (ME)


December 2019

True colors exhibiton at Gallery Kunstraum 1010 Vienna 2019

"True colors - Blue, Red, Yellow, Green" Oil and pigments on canvas, 80 cm / 80 cm © Christina Mitterhuber

"With the cycle "True colors: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green", Christina Mitterhuber picks up the theory of primary colors. The perception researcher Ewald Hering has also spoken of primary colors and described their particular effect of the complementary colors blue-yellow and red-green. The artist Christina Mitterhuber confirms with emotional, spontaneous gestures, what scientists have found out in long studies: the intensification of color experience in the immediate interaction of the individual primary colors." ( Hubert Thurnhofer, Vienna, April 2019)